707 v 950



707 v 950
707 v 950 is a compilation of all drum hits from the 707, sampled directly into our beloved AKAI s950. Each single drum hit sample is spread over the 950’s key range and resampled a total of 37 varied pitches per drum hit. This pack captures the magic of the AKAI s950.


  • 612 Single Drum Hits
  • 17 Pre Built Sampler Patches
  • Built for Ableton (Live Lite 10.1+) , Logic EXS24, Logic Drum Machine Designer, Kontakt 5.8.1 (Not Player), Battery, TAL Sampler, Bitwig Sampler, HALion, Direct Wave, NNXT, SFZ.
  • Isla s2400 Ready Samples and Pre Built Drum Kit
  • 16 Bit Wav Sample Files for other hardware samplers
FREE download for you to enjoy and use in your productions